Jacob Meagher
Jacob specialises in helping clients manage risk. He is known for resolving disputes and is often called on to advise boards and conduct internal investigations. He heads our Alternative Dispute Resolutions department and has years of pragmatic commercial experience to call on from his background in the public, private, police, civil service, and research sectors. As a Chartered Banker, Fellow Governance Practitioner, and Registered Trustee he quickly gets up to speed in some of the most complex governance and regulatory disputes.
Partner ​
More About Jacob
Qualified and practising at the Bar of England & Wales, Republic of Ireland, New Zealand, as a Principal in Australia, maintaining European Union rights of audience, Jacob’s practice is truly international, and his knowledge is global. It is for this reason that he is a special officer with the National Crime Agency and advises on all manner of cross-border and multi-jurisdiction governance and financial disputes. Jacob holds advanced qualifications in banking, risk, governance, and finance from the Institute of Bankers in Ireland, the London Institute of Banking and Finance, and the Chartered Banker Institute, he is the only member of the Bar to be Chartered by all three. Passionate about equality, diversity, and inclusivity, Jacob was elected FRSA for his pro-bono work in the Employment Tribunal and he continues to teach at Cambridge and at the Institute of Law in Jersey.
Recent Work
Counselling a Board through a hostile takeover and advising board members of their proper duties.
Guiding trustees of a pension fund as to their duties and the proper course of action when the fund was under threat.
Sole arbitrator in a million pound share dispute.
Advising a client on institutional bank fraud.
Acting for a business before the Dobbs inquiry into the HBOS Reading fraud.
Working with a team of lawyers pro bono on Post-Office Appeals.
Advising a Commonwealth government on a £350 million joint venture agreement and choice of law clauses across multiple jurisdictions.