Employment Law
At Aria Grace Law CIC, our highly experienced employment lawyers will not only support your business with managing employment law matters, but will also proactively problem solve and minimise risk for you. Our lawyers aren’t stuff, they won’t bring an assistant onto the call to “take notes” and charge you twice, they won’t talk about case law, they won’t tell you to always follow the ACAS code. They will provide you with practical, commercial solutions to ensure you achieve the result you need, without fuss or delay. You will know, from your first call or meeting with our lawyers, that quite simply, they are on your side.

How Can We Help You?​
Areas that we can support you on include the following:​
All levels of contentious employment, the difficult employee, the non-performer, the risky employee, the urgent need to dismiss, employees who are incapable of carrying out their roles, vaccination adverse employees.
Employment documentation that really helps your business, pro-employer contracts and Director’s Service Agreements, effective exit provisions and restrictive covenants, Employee Handbooks that are concise and beneficial to your business.
Consultancy Agreements that really work for your business and minimise IR35 risk, support and assistance with IR35, including a dispute policy and internal checklist to ensure consultants do not become, or become deemed to be employees.
Settlement Agreements – quickly, efficiently and protecting your business from claims.
Redundancy documentation, step by step guides and assistance to ensure a seamless, efficient and effective reduction in your workforce.
Clear TUPE transfer documentation.
Outsourcing support nationally and internationally.
Employment Tribunal support, we are specialists in litigation and perhaps, more importantly, avoiding litigation for our clients. If an employee threatens, or issues Employment Tribunal proceedings, we are perfectly placed to defend those claims and use all tactical steps to prevent those proceedings moving forward, including claims of unfair dismissal, discrimination and whistleblowing, always with an eye on your reputation and the precedent impact on your business.
We also provide bespoke in-house training to your business, whether this is on diversity and anti-discrimination (potentially providing you with a statutory defence to discrimination claims), how to manage employees, including the importance of continuous performance feedback, or how to deal with the EU and the UK GDPR. We frequently take clients to the Employment Tribunal for an afternoon “watch and learn” session, it works brilliantly for any management personnel of all levels who may not quite appreciate the consequences of their actions – always followed by food and drinks and a very informal catch up to discuss the afternoon.